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In Prishtina from 12-22. August 2019, in the organization of Kosovo Center for Diplomacy was held eighth Kosovo International Summer Academy, with a special focus on “Peace building in post-conflict areas – Diplomacy, Leadership and Negotiations”.
The second session of the academy was attended by 62 students from USA, United Kingdom, Germany, Portugal, Canada, Moldova, Romania, Spain, Ireland, Turkey, Italy, Sweden, Colombia, Indonesia, South Korea, Iceland, Russia, Bulgaria, Mexico, Netherlands, Hungary, Poland, Finland, Nigeria, Switzerland, Gibraltar.
Professors and visiting lecturers from prestigious universities from the world and regions, politicians, ambassadors and representatives of international organizations, as well as experts from various fields, shared their academic and professional experience with school attendees during the summer academy and gave them the opportunity to get information on various issues from the first hand. Through interactive lectures of diplomats, senior officials, representatives of civil society and prestigious local and international organizations, the Kosovo International Summer Academy deals with various topics ranging from economics, politics, diplomacy, professional codes and protocols, leadership, peaceful conflict resolution, the EU integration process, international law, human rights, international justice, international security and the role of civil society in peacebuilding. Prof. dr. Aleksandar Ivanovic, President of the Association of citizens Monitor, held a lecture on the topic “Multiculturalism and Interethnic Conflicts in the Former Yugoslavia – Past, Present and Future” at the second session of eighth Kosovo International Summer Academy on August 19th, 2019. In his lecture, professor Ivanovic introduced the participants of the school with the roots of interethnic conflicts in the territory of the former Yugoslavia and the historical development of the conflict, and then spoke about the current state of affairs in this region regarding interethnic conflicts and possible directions for solving them in the future.