Participation in the Coordination Meeting of the competent state authorities and civil society organizations in order to establish a mechanism for combating hate crimes in the Republic of Serbia

The Office for Human and Minority Rights, with the support of the OSCE Mission to Serbia, organized a first this year Coordination Meeting of representatives of competent state bodies and civil society organizations in order to prevent hate crimes in the Republic of Serbia, on 31 May 2021, by online. The meeting was attended by […]

JCI TOYP Serbia 2021 Award in the category of contribution to children, world peace and / or human rights for the President of the Steering Committee of CSO MONITOR

TOYP (Ten Outstanding Young Persons) is a program of JCI (Junior Chamber International), an international organization of young leaders and entrepreneurs, which has over 200,000 active and millions of honorary members participating in projects, conferences and seminars. This program is intended to promote young people, where they will be given space to display their efforts […]