The analysis of preliminary data from the conducted research on the safety of girls and women in public areas in Novi Pazar has begun

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With dr Milica Kolaković Bojović, an expert engaged in the project “Girls and women security friendly public areas”, we started with the analysis of preliminary data obtained through research on 5 targeted public areas in the city of Novi Pazar (Pedestrian zone, City park, Recreation center, Quay next to the Raška River and sports fields on the Deževo road).

Through the perception of interviewed girls and women from Novi Pazar, we will identify the safety needs of women and girls in Novi Pazar in these 5 public areas.

The research is carried out by CSO Monitor from Novi Pazar and CSO REAKT with the support of UN Woman within the project “Safety of women and girls in public space” supported by the Embassy of the United Kingdom in Serbia.

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