Project entitled “Combating of discrimination, online hate speech and toxic narratives in multicultural regions of Serbia” started

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CSO Monitor from Novi Pazar, with a financial donation from a joint project of the European Union and the Council of Europe, in the period from June to August 2020 is implementing a project called “Combating of discrimination, online hate speech and toxic narratives in multicultural regions of Serbia.”

This project was created with the aim of combating the consequences that the COVID-19 virus pandemic had on already vulnerable groups in society, and was supported through a joint project of the European Union and the Council of Europe “Promotion of Diversity and Equality in Serbia”.

The project aims to strengthen the capacity of young people and improve dialogue and activities to strengthen the resilience of communities to discrimination and hate speech through the creation of a network of trainers in promoting and encouraging the fight against discrimination and hate speech on the Internet based on ethnicity, nationality, religion or race, with special emphasis on building trust among young people in a multicultural environment. During the three months of the project, 60 selected young people (20 from each region) will first attend a one-day training for trainers, and then realize their peer workshops. Training will be conducted for each region separately, with the participation of local experts (lecturers) who are familiar with the local context of hate speech and discrimination. In this way, we will create a network of local trainers made up of young people, who will help the project team to achieve the goals of this intervention through their workshops within this project.

What does the program includes?
– Participation in a one-day interactive training for trainers in the field of promoting and encouraging the fight against discrimination and hate speech on the Internet on the basis of ethnic, national, religious or racial affiliation in three different multiethnic and multi-confessional regions of Serbia;

– Realization of the so-called peer education as part of which each participant will realize one workshop in which they will educate at least 15 participants;

– Participation in the research conducted as part of the project, regarding the perception of young people regarding discrimination and hate speech on the Internet.

What are the obligations of the participants?
– Attendance at a one-day interactive training for trainers;
– Organizing and implementing peer education – workshops;
– Assistance to the project team in the implementation of research through anonymous survey questionnaires.

In accordance with the above goal of the Project, in the second half of July 2020 through the application ZOOM for participants in this program, an interactive training will be held for trainers in the field of promoting and encouraging the fight against discrimination and hate speech on the Internet and based on ethnic, national, religious or racial affiliation in three different multiethnic and multi-confessional regions of Serbia. After attending the training, and in cooperation with the local project coordinators, in the first half of August 2020, the participants will realize their peer education in the form of workshops. The workshops themselves can be realized in a classic or online way. In case the workshops are organized online through CSO MONITOR will provide technical support to peer trainers. The exact date and time of the training will be announced according to the selection of participants, and no later than three days before the training.

CSO Monitor hereby publishes a public invitation to all interested young people (primary and secondary school students, undergraduate and graduate students, representatives of local youth offices, active members of civil society organizations (CSOs) and youth of political parties under 25) from southwestern Serbia, southern Serbia and northern Serbia to apply for participation in the project. The application deadline is July 15, 2020. years. To apply, you need to fill out the application form on the home page of our website.

@jp.horizontal.facility, @CoE_EU_HF @coeantidiscrimination #hatespeech #discrimination #equality #humanrights #monitor #CSOmonitor