Public consultations with the professional public held in Novi Pazar

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24.October 2022 at Novi Pazar was held public consultation with expert publicity within the project “Participation of citizens in the drafting of an action plan for the implementation of the Sustainable Development Plan of the City of Novi Pazar- Security Module, for the period 2021-2030”.

The consultation was intended for experts from the field of security (representatives of the police, courts, prosecutor’s offices, the canter for social work, employees of private security agencies, professors of criminal law, criminology, etc.). Aim of this consultation was that through familiarization with the contents of the Action Plan draft and proposed activities, and through joint discussion with the authors of the draft, contributed to the adoption of the final version of the Draft Action Plan for implementation of the Sustainable Development Plan of the City of Novi Pazar – Security Module, for the period 2021-2030 as a strategic document that should contribute to the improvement of the human security in Novi Pazar.

This intervention, which is implemented by CSO MONITOR in partnership with the city of Novi Pazar, is implemented with support of OSCE Mission to Serbia as part of the project “Consolidating the process of democratization of the sector of security in the Republic of Serbia – phase 5” which supports the Government of Sweden, in the period from June to December 2022.